AVVA ルーツ SS ティー

色: 茶色

AVVA Roots SS T シャツは、シンプルさと品質を重視する方にとって定番のアイテムです。軽量で通気性のある生地を使用したこの T シャツは、柔らかい肌触りとゆったりとしたフィット感で一日中快適に過ごせます。晴れた日や涼しい夜に重ね着するのに最適で、多用途性と AVVA のサーフィンにインスパイアされたルーツを兼ね備えています。


  • 軽量生地: 柔らかく通気性のある素材で、普段着に最適です。
  • リラックスフィット:動きやすさとカジュアルな快適さを保証します。
  • クラシックなクルーネックデザイン: どんな服装にも合わせやすい、時代を超えたシルエット。
  • AVVA 胸ロゴ: ブランドのサーフィンの伝統に由来する控えめなブランディング。

AVVA Roots SS Tee は実用性とスタイルを兼ね備えており、どんな場面にもぴったりのアイテムです。

ハワイで生まれ、カリフォルニアで育ち、世界中を旅してきた AVVA は、これらのユニークな文化的経験を、本物であること、団結していること、敬意を持って祝福します。サーフィンに根ざし、ストリートの影響を受け、ALOHA で制作されています。

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Scott Dozier
Love this brand

Thank you for providing a great. I now have 2 hats and are looking forward to all the products you guys come out with next. 🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼

Nicholas Espero
High hopes, let down.

I had really high hopes for AVVA. Marketed very well and the message behind the brand is something I resonate with. Saw a shirt that I really liked so bought that one, and ended up being the aloha mystery box as well. Paid $100 for the mystery box. In theory it seemed like a good deal for 6 items. However, it seemed as if the items were the bottom of the barrel styles that they were trying to get rid of. For a majority of the items, the material felt subpar in terms of quality. Felt like the clothes have been washed, and the sizes were very inconsistent. Neck felt very tight, just didn’t feel right in the shoulders, but if I got a larger size, it would be too large. The only shirt that fit well and that I really liked was the separate order from the mystery box (seemed like that shirt was the next updated iteration of their collection. Definitely an upgrade). Out of the 6 items included in the aloha mystery box I only liked 2 of them. Ironically one of those 6 items I liked was the shirt that I purchased separately, but in a different color. Didn’t really want 2 of the same shirts but alright, thanks??? Hate to sound like a hater… there are other styles I see in stores that are pretty dope and even with all that was said, I still might consider buying another product(s). But it wouldn’t be online, would have to try it on first. Honestly, I kinda felt shafted from the mystery box :/ Hoping this clothing line evolves, learns and grows. Overall, this first purchase just didn’t quite hit the mark for me.